I put this in "Entertainment" for a reason -- thanks for the laugh!
one day the nouns were clustered on the street.. an adjective walked by, with her dark beauty.
the nouns were struck, moved, changed.
the next day a verb drove up, and created the sentence.. -- kenneth koch, "permanently".
I put this in "Entertainment" for a reason -- thanks for the laugh!
he has searched long for that love of all loves, but it hastens not, although winter has come and left him desolate of every hope of warmth, comfort, and prospect of his name's immortality.
nor will this elusive love reveal itself in his tiny dreams, allowing, at the very least, a gossamer of muted visions that would elevate a worn and bitter man to a level of expanded vistas, kindling within the flame of love's illusion..
SINCE I DON'T HAVE YOU, I conjure up an image
that is, somehow, both real and ideal.
What I do recall is etched deeply, in dark and
labyrinthine caverns of my troubled mind.
The heart is a profound well of reminiscence
that draws up an intangible yet true past.
A newfound, tranquil corner in me reassures that
love, though gone missing, was never lost.
one day the nouns were clustered on the street.. an adjective walked by, with her dark beauty.
the nouns were struck, moved, changed.
the next day a verb drove up, and created the sentence.. -- kenneth koch, "permanently".
One day the Nouns were clustered on the street.
An Adjective walked by, with her dark beauty.
The Nouns were struck, moved, changed.
The next day a Verb drove up, and created the Sentence.
-- Kenneth Koch, "Permanently"
some time ago a super-dub stopped by to try to encourage me to return to jw land.
my demeanor during our conversation was extremely serious.
i was polite, but dignified.
I wrote about this before, but I believe it pertains to the above.
In one of the last issues of the Free Minds Journal that I read, a member of the GB (Tony Morris, I recall) was quoted; he stated during a DC talk that new changes were a couple years down the pike and many would not be happy with them.
I, for one, was not pleased when I saw a Facebook entry of an after-meeting gathering of JW friends and family at an elder's home. They were in front of the TV, watching Society videos. The meeting, Sunday morning; hospitality (luncheon); further indoctrination.
Is this the new and rebranded religion that they so proudly advertise on social media?
No need to answer. I already know the answer.
he has searched long for that love of all loves, but it hastens not, although winter has come and left him desolate of every hope of warmth, comfort, and prospect of his name's immortality.
nor will this elusive love reveal itself in his tiny dreams, allowing, at the very least, a gossamer of muted visions that would elevate a worn and bitter man to a level of expanded vistas, kindling within the flame of love's illusion..
He has searched long for that love of all loves,
but it hastens not, although winter has come
and left him desolate of every hope of warmth,
comfort, and prospect of his name's immortality.
Nor will this elusive love reveal itself
in his tiny dreams, allowing, at the very
least, a gossamer of muted visions that
would elevate a worn and bitter man to
a level of expanded vistas, kindling
within the flame of love's illusion.
i never expected this to show up on my podcast list .
a young jehovah's witness spends a blistering hot after door-to-door to hostile homeowners and questions her future..
On a similar note, an elderly friend, a British agent during WWII and himself a writer of political thrillers, said reading a Jean Le Carre novel is one thing; hearing the author read those same words on audio books is a rather extraordinary experience.
so my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
We're happy to hear your good news, Xanthippe! What a relief.
Regarding angina and a heart attack: In my case, the angina (several episodes for about five days) brought me to my knees in pain (at home), but the actual heart attack (in hospital) was painless. I would never have known I was having the actual myocardial infarction unless I had been on the monitor and the nurse said, "You just had a heart attack."
Take care, Dear.
[the following information is intended as a response to the leaked bethel video regarding masturbation.
if you are not aware of that video, please check it our before attempting to comment.].
masturbation is not sinful, unclean, or wicked.
Points well made. Both my religion and the Bethel I knew and once loved have irrevocably changed. Brother Knorr and Franz, with whom I have talked, would be rolling over in their graves . . .
Oh, they're in heaven, rolling their eyes.
my frequent walks these last few years about the neighborhood so familiar to me would ordinarily be construed a pleasant enough non-event.
a little mild exercise - taken in small doses to keep the joints operating properly - and a keen eye peeled for the ever-changing face of nature have rendered the daily promenade a suitable diversion.
until recently.
The aspect of the little faded house darkened as I approached.
The sky was a hearty, bold blue that enveloped the otherwise tranquil mountains afar and, closer in, the wood undulating in knolls and vales. Strange that each footstep bringing me nearer the house stirred me with an unease the sunny day should otherwise have dispelled. Shadow ungoverned by Nature's immutable laws swelled, doubling its negative expanse over the house and adjacent property.
my frequent walks these last few years about the neighborhood so familiar to me would ordinarily be construed a pleasant enough non-event.
a little mild exercise - taken in small doses to keep the joints operating properly - and a keen eye peeled for the ever-changing face of nature have rendered the daily promenade a suitable diversion.
until recently.
Thank you, Tara, for giving me reason.
There has been little but, nonetheless, appreciated response to my stories and poetry. Still, I have continued to post both regularly, watching them slip silently into the bin of no-response detritus. And here I am, once again, in my favorite mode of wee-hour writing! It's about 3:00 a.m.
I am sorry for whatever it is that has happened regarding your living arrangements. Having moved some half-dozen-plus times in the last 17 years, I feel nothing is permanent for me. I rent a room and have a bath and kitchen privileges; and I have at least another year here. Given the regular house sitting that I do, I'm always moving about, but only within three miles or less of my little overstuffed room. I hope you find peace and contentment wherever you locate.